Despite their superficial similarities, Roman religion was not a copy of Greek religion. The Romans had distinct religious rituals, practices, festivals, and deities, and their approach to religious belief was itself very different from that of the Greeks.
Notwithstanding these differences, the Romans were influenced by neighbouring cultures including Greece, Egypt, and the Near East; the vast size of the Roman Empire at its height also resulted in religious syncretism, or merging, with the Romans amalgamating their own gods with those of colonised peoples and new cults cropping up back in Rome.
In this 8-week course, we will explore the diverse and distinct nature of Roman religion through literary and material sources. Topics we will cover include:
- Roman gods and their mythologies
- Sacrifice, magic, and ritual
- Mystery cults
- The imperial cult
- Roman festivals and the religious calendar.
This course is conducted via Zoom. Classes will meet for 90 minutes each week on on Thursdays at 19:30-21:00 (GMT) on 30th January, 6th February, 13th February, 20th February, (mid-term break on 27th February), 6th March, 13th March, 20th March, and 27th March 2025.
Tutor: Dr Aimee Hinds Scott.
The class will proceed subject to a minimum number of enrolments.
Cancellation policy: students will receive a full refund if the student cancels their registration more than two weeks before the class begins. Students will receive 50% refund if the student cancels their registration 8-14 days before the class begins.
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